Norristown Bocce League Rules

Game Rules
  Gray = FAQ’s  Yellow = New Rules


A game consists of 2 teams with 2 or 4 people playing on each team. NOTE: A Team constitutes five (5) registered players. Only players registered to the team on the roster may play in league games. Each team plays with 4 balls per team. During the regular season, a team may play with 4, 3 or 2 players for any game(s) during a match. If a team plays with 3 players the opposing team selects that team’s walker but they cannot pick a player that needs any assistance in walking. ONCE PLAYOFF’S BEGIN, ALL TEAMS MUST PLAY WITH 4 PLAYERS.

When playing with 4 players, 2 players must stay at each end of the court for the entire game. Each player may only roll 2 balls per frame, any additional balls rolled by the same player will be disqualified. Matches consist of 2 or 3 games. First team to win two games wins the match. Only qualified players may play in a game. A qualified player is defined as a person who is properly registered; has signed a waiver, and is in good financial standing (have paid all associated league fees). Only qualified players registered to the playing teams may enter the court during play. Players from opposing team may not remain in playing area when the other team is shooting. If a non-qualified player participates in a league game, the game will be forfeited by the team that had the unqualified player. No substitutions are permitted once the game has started. Emergency substitutions are at the discretion of the referee, division representative, or B.O.D. on site. If a player has to leave a game or stop playing in a game for any reason and cannot return to play within 10 minutes, that player may not return to play in that match. If the team has a substitute player available, the game should resume where it was stopped. If the team does not have a substitute player for the remainder of that game, they will forfeit that game. If the team does not have a substitute player for the remainder of the match, they will forfeit the match. NOTE: The game / match may resume as long as the team has 2, 3 or 4 eligible players available to continue playing..

A coin flip starts the match. The winner of the coin toss has the option to choose the pallino or Bocce ball color. Upon concluding this selection, the team that holds the pallino will roll it for the 1st frame and also has choice of which end (zoo or clubhouse) to start the match from. In subsequent frames, the team that scored in the previous frame will roll the pallino. The pallino then goes to the winning team of each game along with choice of which end to start from. When throwing the pallino, it must come to rest between lines C and Al or Cl and A. Which means the pallino must completely cross lines C or Cl and must not break the leading edge of lines A or Al. The pallino MUST come to rest completely within the 'box'. When rolling the pallino, it also must come to rest no less than 12" from the sideboard or that pallino roll is disqualified and the pallino goes to the opposing team. Measurement is to be taken from the sideboard in question to the nearest edge of the pallino. Again, the pallino MUST come to rest completely within the 'box'. Only one bocce ball may be rolled at a time, except when rolling the pallino. If a player rolls the pallino and bocce with the same hand at the same time, the pallino and the bocce are both disqualified and the pallino goes to the opposing team. If a bocce ball is rolled before the previous rolled bocce ball comes to a complete stop, the 2nd bocce rolled will be disqualified, and removed from the field of play.

The frame is void when the pallino leaves the court, at any time during a roll. If the pallino gets knocked out of the court, the team that originally held the pallino at the beginning of the frame will start the frame over at the opposite end of the court, regardless as to which team caused the infraction. If each team throws a disqualified pallino, the pallino is placed in the center of the court (line D) by the referee. The team that originally held the pallino will throw the first Bocce ball.

Rolling and Scoring

A player’s feet must be behind line A (A1) when the ball is released. A player’s momentum may cause them to cross line A (A1), however the player cannot advance past line B (B1). Closest ball(s) of the same color to the pallino scores one point per ball per frame. Any Bocce Ball hitting the backboard without hitting another ball is disqualified and removed from the field of play. Any Bocce ball displaced by a disqualified ball is returned to its original location. If a Bocce Ball is hit out of the court, the ball is disqualified for that frame. When rolling a bocce ball from line A(A1), the pallino must stay beyond line C(C1) or the frame is considered void. The team that originally held the pallino will start the frame over at the opposite end. If a player throws the wrong color ball, it will be disqualified and removed from the field of play (No more warnings). If a player rolls a ball out of turn, that ball is disqualified and removed from the field of play. While on the court of play, a player may not advance down the court past the A and A1 line while there are still balls to be rolled by either team. When outside the court of play, a player may not advance past the B and B1 line until they roll both their balls. Any player committing this infraction will result in that players’ ball(s) being disqualified. DROPPED BALL: If a ball is accidently dropped over line A (A1), there is no foul. AN ATTEMPTED roll that crosses line A (Al) is in play.

After all balls are thrown, any tie will be declared a draw. Another frame must be thrown (the team that originally held the pallino, at the beginning of the frame, will start the frame over at the opposite end of the court).

When a team reaches the score of 11 and the other team is out of balls, the game is over. The team with the pallino must establish initial point. If a bocce is rolled and any part of the ball does not completely cross line C (C1), that ball is disqualified and removed from the field of play. Again, the ball must be completely within the 'box'.


Referee must be a qualified league member in good standing of the N. B. L. or a surrounding local bocce league. Referee: agreed upon by both teams, makes all calls (final call, ties possible), players can ask the referee to make a measurement when it is their roll, they may ask the referee to make a second measurement. The referee makes final call. Referee resolves all discrepancies during a match. Referee is the ONLY person to make a measurement. Only 1 representative from each team may go out on the court to see a referee's measurement. A team may ask for two measurements only on a ball in question. The referee makes final call. Teams playing may referee their own games. Referee is responsible for all scores to be written in scorebook and signed by the appropriate teams. No balls are to be moved until the referee makes his/her call. If any balls are moved that are in question, before the referee makes a call, the referee may grant points for any ball moved that was in question under his/her discretion. When measuring all referees must measure from the bottom of the bocce ball to the nearest edge of the pallino, NOT to the middle of the pallino.


League Policy & Procedures

Rainouts must be called if the 1st matches of the day/night can not start within one (1) hour of the scheduled starting time or the 2nd matches of the day/night cannot start within 30 minutes after the completion of the 1st matches. The Division representative or B.O.D. representing their day/night will make the final call on a rainout. To win a forfeit, one (1) team (at least 2 players) must be present at the courts for what would be two (2) games. Forfeits will occur at one (1) minute after a teams scheduled starting time (1st game) and sixteen (16) minutes after that teams scheduled starting time (2nd game and match). A team that has won a game by forfeit will be awarded a score of 5 - 0 for each game by forfeit. Second matches of the day/night must have two team members present by their scheduled starting time regardless of whether the early matches are still in progress or not. If the early scheduled matches are completed before the later match's scheduled starting time, the late matches may start earlier than scheduled if both teams agree to it, but it is not penalized if a team decides not to do so. If two representatives are not present by the scheduled starting time of the late matches, they will forfeit at one (1) minute after that teams scheduled starting time (1 game) and sixteen (16) minutes after that teams scheduled starting time (2nd game and match). Again, regardless of whether the first match is finished or not. If the early scheduled matches run past the scheduled staring time of the later matches, it is still required that two representatives from each team be present or a forfeit will be called at one (1) minute and sixteen (16) minutes after their scheduled starting time, for both teams. If a team knows they will have to forfeit a scheduled match in advance of the match, they can inform the opposing team of such and if both captains or team representative recognize the forfeit, both teams can sign the score book in advance. The team receiving the win will NOT have to be present at the time of the scheduled match to be awarded the win. If a B.O.D. is present, have them also sign the score book.

If there is a known ‘forfeit or scheduled by’ for an early match, the later match scheduled on that court may play in the early time slot as long as both captains agree to the change.

Regardless of what time the first matches end, late matches will have no longer than a 15 minute warm up period from the end of the first matches. If a team forfeits five (5) games (NOT MATCHES) throughout the course of one season, that team will not be invited back to join the NBL the following season and will be placed at the bottom of the 'Waiting List' if they chose to do so. There will be a break of no more than 10 minutes between games. There will be one BOD representative each night to call rain outs or forfeits, and to settle any rule questions / concerns etc. Team rosters must be final by the beginning of the 3rd week of the season. A team may not add players to their rosters after the beginning of the 3rd week of the season. A team may replace a player or players on their roster after the 3rd week of the season only due to an emergency situation which will be decided and approved by the B.O.D. Any one that would like to be placed on the 'Waiting List' for any of our leagues must see the NBL Registrar directly. All Team names are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

Court Etiquette

There will be no excessive arguing or abuse permitted for any reason.  Any physical or verbal confrontation of any kind will not be tolerated.  Anyone involved in a confrontation may be suspended or expelled from the League pending an investigation by the Board of Directors.  One minute between rolls.  Only sneakers or soft, smooth soled shoes may be worn on the court.  Cursing of any kind will not be tolerated.  B. O. D. reserves the right for disciplinary action if court etiquette is not followed. 

** Unsportsmanlike Conduct:

Any player, players or spectators observed continuously or repetitively disrupting or distracting any other player, teams or spectators will be given (1) one verbal warning, 2nd offense will result in that team immediately forfeiting their match and asked to leave the premises.  If it’s a spectator, they will be asked to leave the premises.  The B. O. D. on site will be responsible for making the final call once it is noticed or brought to their attention.

Note: These game rules are used in all NBL Tournaments.   

Divisional Final Standings – Playoff Qualifiers

Evening League

All teams that qualify for the playoffs must sign our ‘Playoff Commitment Form’.

Top 3 teams from each division and 1 Wild Card team compete in the playoffs (16 teams).

The top 3 teams will be ranked by match win percentage, with each of the five division winners guaranteed the first 5 seeds.  The remaining 11 teams will be seeded 6 through16 based on:  All tiebreakers are as follows:

1.    Highest match winning percentage

2.    Highest game winning percentage

3.    Highest net points

If there is still a tie:

Between 2 teams – 1 head to head game to 11
Between 3 or more teams – round robin games to 7 points

If there are any ties for the top 3 spots, the tiebreakers are:

4.    Head to head game winning percentage

5.    Highest seasonal game winning percentage against all teams

6.    Highest net points

If there is still a tie:

Between 2 teams – 1 head to head game to 11
Between 3 or more teams – round robin games to 7 points


The Wild Card team will be the team that has not finished in the divisional top 3 that has the best match winning percentage of all remaining teams.

If there are any ties for the Wild Card, the tiebreakers are;

1.    Best seasonal net points against all teams

2.    Best seasonal individual game winning percentage against all teams

If there is still a tie:

Between 2 teams – 1 head to head game to 11
Between 3 or more teams – round robin games to 7 points


Senior League  

All teams that qualify for the playoffs must sign our ‘Playoff Commitment Form’.

The top 4 teams from each division compete in the playoffs (12 teams).

The top 4 teams will be ranked by match win percentage.

If there are any ties for the top 4 spots, the tiebreakers are:

1.    Head to head game winning percentage

2.    Highest seasonal game winning percentage against all teams

3.    Highest net points

If there is still a tie:

Between 2 teams – 1 head to head game to 11
Between 3 or more teams – round robin games to 7 points


Playoff Seedings                                                                                                              

Final divisional standings will have no bearing on playoff seeding for all teams including the Wild Card team.


Evening League

Seeding 1 through 16 will be determined by the following criteria;

1.    Match win percentage

2.    Game winning percentage

3.    Total net points

4.    Coin flip


Senior League

Seeding 1 through 12 will be determined by the following criteria;

1.    Match win percentage

2.    Game winning percentage

3.    Total net points

4.    Coin flip

In the event of a team notifying the BOD of a forfeit by not being able to sign the ‘Playoff Commitment Form’ before Friday at 7:00PM, the 17th seeded team (or lower) for the Evening League and 13th seeded team (or lower) for the Senior League will be added to the list of playoff teams and a reseeding of all playoff teams will occur.  

If a team has to forfeit out of the playoffs after the ‘Sweet 16 Playoffs’ and before the quarter-final round, the opposing team will get a ‘By’ to the semi-final round.  If a team has to forfeit after the semi-final round, the team they defeated in the semi-final round will go to the Championship Game.


If any team has 1 playoff match forfeit, they will be exempt from the playoffs for the next scheduled season (Summer for Summer and Fall for Fall) in which they play.  The B.O.D. will make the final decision on this depending on the circumstances.


Playoff Format
During the playoffs, the highest seeded team will have choice of court to start all matches, including championship (no coin flip).  All subsequent matches will follow on first available court.  Choice of court must be made no later than 15 minutes prior to start of match. Failure to make this choice will result in forfeit of court choice to next highest seeded team.


Evening League
Teams 1 through 16 will play best of 5 single elimination matches in an NCAA style bracket, i.e. 1 vs.16, 2 vs.15, etc.  The top seeded team in the Championship Match will pick the court for the 1st game, then the teams will alternate courts for the subsequent games.  


Senior League – * Subject to change depending on # of teams / days of league play *
Teams 1 through 12 will play best of 3 single elimination matches in an NCAA style 12 team bracket.  The top 4 seeds will receive a first round bye. Second round games will also be best of 3, with rounds three and four being a best of 5.  The top seeded team in the Championship Match will pick the court for the 1st game, then the teams will alternate courts for the subsequent games.  


Playoff Game Dates & Times

Playoff games must start by their scheduled starting time but no earlier than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled starting time.  Playoff matches may only be rescheduled due to unplayable weather conditions.  If weather conditions stops play at any time after games have started, all completed games count and all points scored up to the point play is stopped count.  When play is resumed the team holding the pallino when play was stopped will start at the beginning of the frame where the game was stopped.  NOTE: When in doubt make every effort to play games out.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: If a playoff game is rained out, the playoff schedule will continue as scheduled. For example, if it is raining at the start of the 9:00 am games and the rain stops and the courts dry out and are playable by noon, the noon games will then play and playoff schedule will continue on as scheduled the rest of the day. The 9:00 am games will be made up on the scheduled makeup date at a time TBD.


Court Grooming and Maintenance

Court grooming, consisting of matting, rolling, and watering, by league members is appreciated.  Any further modification to the court surface is to be approved by the Grounds and Court Maintenance Committee before performing.  Please contact the Grounds and Court Maintenance Committee Chairman, posted on the cabin bulletin board, to be considered as a member of this committee.  Failure to comply with this guideline may lead to disciplinary action.